Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Write a note telling her things you admire, respect and like about her. make a fun banner with her name on it to put by her bed. make a friendship bracelet.

Write a note telling her things you admire, respect and like about her.

make a fun banner with her name on it to put by her bed.

make a friendship bracelet.

make a cute hair pin or accessory.

make a book mark.

put together a cute first aid kit or sewing kit.

make an origami kit.

give paper and instructions so she can make her own origami.

look at cue valentine cards for inspiration. cut up picture to make a puzzle.

write nice things on a bunch of post-its  and stick them all over.

"Heart Attack" her!

leave a candy gram.

print out some favorite uplifting quotes and decorate them.

share a recipe for a favorite treat.

make pom pom critters - warm fuzzies.

give lollipop bouquet.

give a water bottle with a drink packet to mix in.

share a joke or riddle. share a favorite scripture.

share something that you learned that day at camp.

make something for her at the craft cabin.

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