Sunday, February 9, 2014

Ten Reasons to be beside the Seaside

 Bathing in seawater opens the pores and helps eliminate toxins.

Sand is a natural exfoliant and leaves the skin soft and youthful

The iodine in the water and air boosts thyroid activity, which can lead to weight loss

Our skin absorbs magnesium potassium and many other trace elements and minerals from seawater.

Swimming and walking on the beach are excellent all round exercises anyone can do.

The sound of waves alters brain wave patterns and promotes a deep sense of calmness 

Sunshine is our main source of Vitamin D. which boosts the immune system and helps prevent cancer

Sea air is loaded with negative ions, which strengthen our immunity and balances our serotonin levels

Gazing at the horizon relaxes the eye muscles and leads to better vision.

Being close to the sea brings out our feelings and fosters creativity

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